pls... go away from me!!!

too much!!
she's too much!!

aku tak tau kenapa
dia kene buat orang sangat annoying even worst benci kat dia

ok, if aku sorang je rase mcm nie
obviously aku yang bermasalah
but most of us here pun rasa/fikir yang sama

tolong lah berubah
jadilah manusia yang disukai
bukan rugi pun
mungkin dia ingat dia 'poyo' mcm tue orang takkan berani nak 'pijak kepala' dia
makin orang benci dan hilang rasa hormat lagi adalah!

come on everyone
just be nice to everyone
tak susahkan?
people gonna like or even love you
if only you know to treat other well

I just can't stand it anymore!
dengan your physical appearance cum with your bad attitude
arghhh...please go away from me!

sorry everyone
I'm pissed off to this so called 'manusia'
I just hope she will realise
and change
for her own good

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