sad :(


It happen again :(
I'm so so so sad
actually dunno what to think and what to feel

yesterday I took EL
but doing nothing to check my baby condition
ingat nak buat buku pink @ Klinik Ibu dan Anak Kg Pandan
but came too late at clinic
registration close and advise to come today again
But I just cant afford to take another leave
too bad right?
FYI, for 1st timer you just need to bring your IC..that all!

This morning
went to panel clinic
doing my 3rd scan
can see the baby jumping
doc unable to detect the heartbeat
doc was trying so hard to find the heartbeat
doc advise to see gynae

so, tomorrow will go and see gynae
and register at government clinic too

I hope everything just fine
Ya Allah, lindung/jauhkan la hamba-Mu ini dari musibah

btw, I'm so confuse....and hope I'll get all the answer by tomoro...InsyaAllah

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