where's my mood?
hethic week
work and ...
I offer myself to 'edit' her hantarans for both side
why 'edit'? she already asked and pay someone else to do the dias for all the hantarans
but me dengan gatal2 nak test power 'edit' ol hantarans
thanks for husben for supporting and even tolong okay!
result nati okay? me oso tak sabar nak tengok result hantaran tue uols!
giler cuak okay!!!
I just hope, the ceremony will goes smooth and well...insyaAllah
okay. skrg nak citer prihal office plak
lately, mood untuk bekerja seperti menjauh dari diri ini
apa dah jadi dengan aku nie?
Maybe sudah tibe masa untuk cari kerja baru
tapi bukanlah dalam masa terdekat
mungkin lagi setahun...setahun? lame bukan?
siyes, I'm not ready to walk away from this organization
dalam diam...byk kenangan
office aku nie,
you will get paid for your hardwork dan sebaliknya
no such word of 'luck'