Last nite tido lewat now, I felt so mengantuks terasa sangat malas untuk ke kantor tapi apa daya, life must go on for survive..I need $$$ to get money..I need to work damnnnnnnn!!!!! Hethic weekend Last Fri, my bro, dapat kete baru alhamdulillah everyone happy especially my mother so untuk merasmikan kereta baru tue, we'll gie minum2 ayah yang banje...thanks ayah Sabtu, my sister ada buat makan2(Brunch) at her place-Subang mama dh remind few time make sure dtg pandan indah awal then boleh gerak sesame but, kite hanya boleh merancang, Allah menentukan segalanya me and husben twice almost di'Hit' oleh kereta-manusia yang berotakkan binatang..yes they're! come on la, everyone paying roadtax so the road is not only for you for those using fancy and expensive car, lantak korang la nak pakai kete apa punkan? but the rules is still the same dude! pls ur brain while driving okay?! so, since the bullshit happen, me and husben sampai lambat rumah my sister damnnnn!!! bengang la...