hye uols..

alhamdulillah.. finally me and azrin selamat menjalankan HIV TEST di Klinik Ampang (near Spectrum Ampang). we came early around 1.30pm straight g kaunter pertanyaan.. nurse gave us 2 pcs borang untuk di isi.. after isi the borang, again we went to counter and the nurse said need to wait until 2pm then only can give the number.. but yang agak geram and sakit hati, tak sampai 2pm dey'll already give away the no..arghhh deym! then str8 away ask azrin tue queue up to take the no.. our no is 5009 and 5010.. 5th couple la..iskh.. hampeh ajer datang and ambik borang awal2.. lambat ambil no sebab both jadi lurus bendul since nurse advc us to came back at 2pm!! takpe la.. at least we'll dapat chance to do the HIV TEST.. this 2nd time we'll datang same clinic for same purpose..atas alasan yang tak dapat dielakkan, we have to come again today.. but syukur everything goes well..

While waiting for the result, heart beat suddenly deras cuz gap between me and person before me ambik masa around 15minute++.. lame occay!! yang lain just few minute je.. bile masuk suddenly kene soal siasat few question..errrr..nape neh?! after menjawab soklan-soklan dengan tercungap2, then the pegawai kesihatan said" tahniah,  result negatif maknaynye awak boleh kawen" YESSSSSSSS!!! I'm getting married!!!

tapi cian azrin, sakit gigi + bisul.. so senyap jer the whole procedure.. tapi tak kesah la kan asal mission kitaorang hari neh terlaksana!! *wink* *wink*.. as result both of us "Non Reactive" = negatif.....yabedabedu!!!!!!!

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