i'm gonna miss siti fatimah

i met this lil' gurl about past 1 month and half named siti fatimah but we called her tma.. this gurl sgt chumel and very nice.. sape tma? dia anak kepada my nenek saudara nyer maid.. my nenek saudara currently kat ICU IJN and maid accompany her 247 so her mom tak boleh jaga tma and my auntie decide nak suh org laen jaga tma on behalf and my mummy volunteer nk jaga.. remember 1st time jumpa time celebrate my mummy birthday last month..sgt pendiam and so naive.. my day lebih 'berisi' dengan adernye tma.. we spend lots of time together.. masa mula2 dia dtg sini, tido pun ngan dia.. tapi skrg tma tido with my mummy cuz my older sis cakap tma tido bising so tido my sis slalu terganggu..tapi hari nie balek umah frm work dapat news yang my auntie akan ambik tma any time from now cuz my aunty dari US akan balek on 29th july and will take care of my nenek sedara and ibu tma no longer needed at hospital.. sgr sedey.. suddenly tade mood.. tma menceriakan kami sekeluarga.. gonna miss her so deym much.. nangis, gelak, jerit n huru hara yang di buat.. me oso gonna miss this sentence "tma, sayang auntie" she will hug n kiss me.. so luvly