alhamdulillah now I'm 9 weeks pregnant now, my condition better than few days back before this, I can't sleep well, felt lazy especially after my lunch time take short nap a must lately with my work, I cant let those thing happen to me no...I can't time mula2, when I know I was pregnant tak boleh makan pedas langsung eventho chili sauce stomach pain bile malam, Allah je yang tahu betapa tidak selesanya aku ketika sakit perut menyerang my maid already advise me to minum air garam, but I refuse since aku kurang percaya with those thing but last few day, my mom buatkan air garam..alhamdulillah til this moment, no more stomach paid eventho I ate spicy food and I notice, skrg boleh tido lena cket So far, alhamdulillah....aku belum merasai sebarang alahan I'm thankful for that but in future, we know what gonna happen aite? But all I hope is everything goes well and just fine Bab makan, aku cepat rase muak dengan makanan yang aku makan nasi bukan lagi pilihan utama sebagai ...