
Showing posts from July, 2011

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Tya and Honey..we're ready! 1st sentuhan after official become Husen and Wife..congrats both! alhamdulillah every goes smooth and well


yeah..again its friday I'm lovin it..yeah!!! on friday normally mood keje sangat blues okey heavy rain this morning bagai memahami hati ini yang sangat rindukan tido hingga ke tengah hari kalo bukan hujung bulan..memang bos aku dh terima msg " saya EL hari nie sakit perut " hahaha...tipu! ok la nak sambung battle lagi beberapa jam maka tamatlah perjuangan untuk bulan Julai 2011 wish me luck ok? tata


most people use " wordless Wednesday " but I'm totally wordless to ....... I just hope & wish you will change!!!

sakinah alisha

presenting my 1st ever niece.... yeah that is my niece.....sakinah alisha with mom and dad   with hubby  sakinah with her aunty kila  aunty Kila and sakinah lil tma, baby sakinah and aunty Kila `



♥ Friday

yahuuuuuu Hello peeps!!! so dem hapi cuz tdy already FRIDAY tomoro weekend can chilex uolls! 1st of all congrats to my kazen Kapt Dr Izyan Nur Zahirah bt IR Ismail Her solemnization juz now around 10am we're not so close eventho we're in same age! tak rapat cuz sejak high school dia duk blaja kat TKC then futhur study kat russia baru balek M'sia last year and skrg keje kat Hosp Selayang Unable to attend her solemnization cuz working but later tonite I'll be going to her Reception which is will be held at Kampung Pengantin and....kene duk welcome guest again...huhuhu Sepatutnye wida(my sis) sponsor cake hantaran for my kazen yg kawen hari nie since dia(sister) and family in law on vacation aku dipertanggungjawabkan untuk tempah cake tue end up cake tue sangat hodoh and menghampakan! siyes aku benci kalo org bagi kat aku cake mcmtue aku pun akan feel unhappy cake hantaran tue uolls bukan cake aku nak makan sorang kalo aku makan sorang pun tak selera tgk hupa mcmtue ...

coretan untuk pagi yang cerah tapi hati yang gundah gulana

morning peeps!!! hari nie mood bekerja cuma 20% aku dh servey kalo aku dtg ofis awal mood keje = 80% kalo aku dtg ofis lewat mood keje = <50% hahahaha boleh plak mcmtue kan? kuikuikui sampai je ofis kila (my sister) bgtau cake yang aku tempah untuk kazen buat hantaran aku tue sangat bururk ok! alamak...owhshi*! apasal la makcik tue spoilkan reputasi dia yang slame nie aku anggap terbaek kalo betul buruk... ini merupakan kali terakhir aku order kat dia bukan apa..dh la present..kawen plak tue nati makcik aku ingat kitaorg tak ikhlas sengaja order cake yang hodoh kalo orang buat kat wedding aku, mau aku mengamuk uolls mane semangat aku nie? mane aku nak dpt semangat berkobar-kobar nie? bosannye! dh la ramai je team-mate aku yg x dtg Joanna - absence Imran - absence Bieha - absence ouchhhhh buhsannyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nak balikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk semua orang dah mcm tade mood and semangat nak kerja memang la enviroment masih sama sebab staff and boss...


hello peeps! gud afternoon... mood : sleepy ( siyes ngantuks giler) since mkn mcm-mcm lunch tadi smalam promise my ofismate nak goreng kopok lekor bagun pepagi goreng kopok lekor sampai ofis tgk ada bekal atas meja huhuhu..mama tapaukan Nasi Ayam yawww semalam call mama. kebetulan diaorg tgh dinner makan Nasi Ayam untuk tidak menghampaka aku, MAYBE... mama tapaukan cket hari nie Thanks Mama... ♥ you till d end! Nurul plak masak mee goreng apalagi aku la tukang mengurangkan kuantiti mee dalam bekasnye! hahaha Today gie ofis driving... 1st tyme since aku pindah ke Cheras naseb baik jalan agak kurang jam walaupun slow moving tapi ambik gaks la sejam setenggah naik ketuat kat bon*** aku neh! apa lagi..dalam kete memekak sendirian bile karaoke, aku orang yang memerhati nak sumbang suara memang tak arrr memang sedar diri sangat sore aku sumbang sumpit so tade la tension sangat bile driving yerrr pasal jalan gie keje pengguna(driver) highway SAGA penyabar orang-orangnye manenye idak...


morning peeps! what a great morning hope each and everyone of you in a great mood too! Last weekend Last minute plan I went to Cameron Highland yeay!!! Happy sangat cuz, dh lame tak pergi sebenarnye last visit to Cameron Highland about 20 years back with my family..seriously I can't recall or remember anything since my last visit but I'm sure I been there..hahaha Day 1 bertolak from KL around 12pm together with husben, honey and nazry we stop kejap at R&R Tapah for lunch and reach Cameron Highland around 3.30pm we all stayed at Apartment owned by Nazrey's company (Tanah Rata) charges? seriously cheap apartment with 3-bedroom and 2 toilet fully furnish for 3 days and 2 nite it only cost us RM200 the place ok la.. to me, cleanliness is IMPORTANT they got that! After unpack our stuff apa lagi..titon lorrr after woke-up around 6pm take a shower then we hangouts kat nite market we understand the nite market only held twice a week which on Friday and Saturday while was...

kenapa neh?

permulaan hari yg agak tidak baik mcm-mcm pekara happen today yang annoying to death ! bile dah jadi mcmtue jadi tade mood nak keje mcm semua benda buat tak kene!..HELP!!! tak puasa! adush ..kalo mcm nie tah bile bole abes ganti puasa! Stress to da maxs uolls! I wanna go home Tido..tido and tido!!!  mari kite berdoa thanks to  ku berdoa kepada-MU semoga mendapat ketenangan hati untuk menempuh dugaan hidup ni amin  note:banyak lagi doa-doa sila ke -> Tinta Mutiara

what happennn...

Hello lovely 1st of all would like wish Happy Newlywed to Nabihah & Asrol alhamdulillah selesai sudey and mulalah fasa baru bagi mereka berdua semoga tabah mengharungi dugaan! Yesterday...aku barjaya ganti pose balek terus masak lauk ayam masak kunyit and sayur hahaha...sangat masin both lauk sayur sempat aku edit but ayam masak kunyit...hukhukhuk ayat coverline:sory la pose tak boleh rase masin ke apa Today...bos banje lunch so x pose Tomoro...sambung ganti pose uolls Later aku akan men' upload ' pix sepanjang majlis solemnization and Reception Nabihah & Asrol see ya' soon

Hello June!!!

hye peeps!!! Hello July.... Bubbye June !! helya ! I'm extremely happy June gone with good thing such as pindah rumah baru life baru dapat semangat baru Hidup lebih bermatlamat... focus Since baru je pindah lots of thing need to be catch up will do it slow and steady yehaaaa !!!! esok...Saturday I'm working uolls OT... overtime... OT yerp ! need to achieve this month I need to improve my collections skill  Tmrw, after OT nak balek umah rebus telor untuk bieha's wedding insyaAllah .... Tya and Honey will come over to help me to rebus telor! tak sabar uolls Bieha kawen esok! alhamdulillah Finally... they're gettin hitch! I just wish both of them all the best! untuk Bieha dari seorang kawan & kakak "Jadi isteri kene banyak bersabar and tolak ansur berbincang dalam membuat keputusan yang penting berjimat cermat" ada byk benda yang amat berharga aku belaja dalam bulan  June aku akan sedaya upaya akan tidak menolong orang lain if pertolongan aku...